Welcome to the ERIC SPUDIC
WEBSITE! I'm an actor/writer/filmmaker. I have written the cult horror flicks AQUANOIDS and CREEPIES,
as well as having acted in PSYCHO SANTA, SUPERCROC, DEAD CLOWNS, and MICRO MINI KIDS. You can catch
me on Cinemax, HBO, Showtime, Sy Fy Channel regularly.
movies are available on Amazon, Ebay, Netflix, at Blockbuster, Best Buy, Fry's, etc.. Some of the states I've
been to for movie gigs include Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, California, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Ohio.
focus on acting almost entirely at the moment, although I still like to crank out a script once or twice a year. Whatever
pays the rent!
specialize in a wide variety of roles, ranging from outsiders, loners, and killers to sidekicks, nerds, and soldiers.
Please take some time to tour the site and sign the guestbook. Please drop me a line at ericspudic@hotmail.comRock and